Add to Technorati Favorites Bikers Zone: BlueShift Electric Motorcycles

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

BlueShift Electric Motorcycles

If the number of electric motorcycles promised this year is any indication of what we will actually see, this could be the breakout year for electric power. I just received a number of computer images from BlueShift Motorcycle Company showing the new BlueShift Electric Motorcycle. The company is planning to make a formal announcement about their project in April so details to this point are a little sketchy.

The BlueShift reportedly delivers 200 foot pounds of torque, which pretty much puts any standard gasoline powered motorcycle on the trailer. As I said last month, electric motorcycles are the new torque monsters and BlueShift is definitely pushing that line in their materials and I believe it’s a good hook for any electric motorcycle company. If you can deliver 100 or 200 pounds of torque, what can the gasoline powered bikes offer to counter that? Well, besides range and convenient fillups. But I think we’re getting closer on those points but until we see actual bikes, we won’t know.

Link: BlueShift

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